Ordering and managing your inventory items has never been easier

Effortlessly manage and order inventory items from various suppliers with the user-friendly BarTrack App or online.


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Why BarTrack?

Availability of materials presents an increasingly challenging dilemma. Gone are the days where you could rely on "order today, delivered tomorrow." This calls for a shift. There is a growing need to maintain local inventory to ensure that you never miss out. This transforms the approach from "just-in-time" to "just-in-case" when it comes to placing orders.

At the same time, holding excessive inventory is not always desired. Understandably so, as it can be costly. Efficient inventory management holds the key to this problem. That's why we created BarTrack - an online platform that allows you to manage your inventory and order items instantly. With BarTrack, you will always have visibility into your stock and never experience shortages again.






Orderlines per month

Ordering has never been easier.

Install the BarTrack App. Looking for items by name or item code? Simply search, select, and order. Create lists of your favorite items for easy one-click ordering. You can also share your shopping lists with colleagues.

If you keep items in stock and use barcodes, try our free BarTrack app: scan, click, done!


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VIDEO: Completing Your Order in the Technische Unie Online Shop


Simplified Inventory Management

Having too much or too little inventory can be costly and even lead to losing customers.

BarTrack offers the perfect solution for anyone managing inventory, regardless of the size of their warehouse. It's an online platform that eliminates the need for complicated software installations. With BarTrack, you can easily create your own inventory locations, add items, and determine the minimum order quantity (MOQ). Plus, you have the convenience of printing your own QR and barcode labels.


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Never again waste time calling, emailing, or logging into multiple online stores.

Ordering takes up a significant amount of time without even realizing it. Especially when you order from multiple wholesalers. With BarTrack, you can order directly from all your favorite wholesalers using just one solution! Simply select or scan the items you need, and BarTrack automatically ensures that they are ordered from the right wholesaler.

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Knowledge is power

Because BarTrack offers ordering and inventory management in one solution, you also gain access to comprehensive statistics. How frequently do you place orders? Which wholesalers do you use? What is the turnover rate? Do you have items in stock that are never used?

This relevant information helps you better understand your business, enabling you to work more efficiently.

BarTrack Voorraad - stats


BarTrack is the ultimate solution for managing your local inventory.

Stock management

Stock management

Create your own inventory location - as many as you desire - and add items to it. Then, include specific order information.

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Print order Labels

Print your own shipping labels. In the size you want. Choose between a zebra printer, Dymo label printer, or PDF.



Search for items, choose and order. Or simply scan the barcode and send. Scan, click, done.

Ordering has never been easier.

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My wholesalers

Over 28 wholesale partners have already joined BarTrack.

You can directly order your items from 160 wholesalers. Collectively offering over 28 million products. 2BA account required

4 stappen

Getting started in 4 steps

To assist you in getting started, we have created a clear and concise step-by-step guide. This will enable you to dive right in and start right away! Read more

Learn more

VMI BarTrack - helpen met plakken

Can we help updating your Stock

With our Vendor Managed Inventory services (VMI), we are delighted to visit your location to revamp the warehouse and provide it with fresh order labels, among other things.

Create Your Own Order Labels

To truly understand your inventory, it's essential to equip your products with barcodes or QR codes. However, the reality is that items get replaced, disappear from the assortment, or new ones are added. Keeping track of all these changes can be quite challenging.

That's where BarTrack comes in handy – it allows you to effortlessly print your own order labels. These labels not only feature a barcode but also provide other pertinent information like description, MOQ, and location. Simply locate the item in BarTrack and print it out, whether using a zebra printer, Dymo label printer, or save it as a PDF – the choice is yours.

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Download Checklist

Organize your inventory neatly and save time when ordering. Sounds great, but how do you do it? That's why we've created a smart checklist to help you with that. Download the checklist now.


Let us assist you in optimizing your warehouse layout.

We also offer a wide range of services in the field of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). For instance, our BarTrack team will come on-site to redesign your warehouse and label all items with barcodes. We can take care of the ordering process on your behalf, whether it's on a weekly basis or as needed, and we'll also organize the delivered items according to your preferences. And that's just the beginning – there's so much more we can do to optimize your warehouse layout.

VMI BarTrack - helpen met plakken

Customer Testimonials about BarTrack

"At Westerveld & Nederlof, we rely on a wide range of articles every day to keep our production running smoothly. Throughout the day, individuals come and go from the warehouse, grabbing the necessary supplies. Keeping track of it all and ordering the right items from various wholesalers used to be a time-consuming task. But with BarTrack, those days are now a thing of the past!" 

André Wienholts - Afdelingschef Westerveld & Nederlof